Friday, May 15, 2009

Now you see you don't !

Grandma asked me, what I would miss most when we leave our home here in Thailand, and return to the USA........ I didn't have to even give it a moments thought, cuz I KNOW what I will miss... my favorite toy, my favorite game, the best sport here in Thailand..........
Grab the tali off the gecko!!!
Yes I love it! Above you will see one of the many geckos that run across our walls (and floors) insearch of bugs to eat AND in search of a little fun! They like to play Extreme gecko Sports!
They dart across the floor and try to get to the other side of the room WITH their tail still attached! You see, if I grab their tail, they release it and keep on running! And they leave me behind with a twisting twirling looooong tail in my paws. Now don't you go thinking that they just willingly and quickly jetison that tail of theirs, OH NO that is the prize! they want their tail and so do I.

Here is how they look for weeks after losing the game to me...until their tail grows back, and we can play again !! Yes, I will definitely MISS my dear live-action gecko toys.
